have you bagged 100

Pop your details in here and upload a photo of your receipt to see if you’ve won

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Please enter your First Name
Please enter your Last Name
Please enter a valid Email Address
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Please enter a valid Mobile Number
Please confirm your Mobile Number
You need to upload your receipt

Receipt images uploaded must be itemised. Receipts must not be altered or tampered with. Any receipts that have been altered or tampered with will be deemed invalid. The uploaded receipt will need to show the itemised Qualifying Product purchased within the Promotion Period and the time and date of purchase prior to entry. Please note that some receipts may show the date on the reverse and therefore it may be necessary to upload more than one receipt image. Receipt images must be uploaded in .png, jpeg, tiff, bmp or .pdf format (size limited to 10MB). Each receipt image can only be used once for a single entry regardless of variety and quantity purchased.

Do you have a minute to help us answer some questions?

Q1: Why did you purchase Tetley? Tick all that apply

Q2: Where did you first learn about the promotion?

Q3: Where did you purchase your promotional product?

Q4: Which region do you live in?

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You need to complete the reCAPTCHA

* Mandatory Fields

Tetley Pack
Tetley Pack